Friday, 19 April 2024

Lords of Uncreation by Adrian Tchaikovsky~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Tor

Publication Date: 11th April 2024
He's found a way to end their war, but will humanity survive to see it?

Idris Telemmier has uncovered a secret that changes everything – the Architects’ greatest weakness. A shadowy cartel scrambles to turn his discovery into a weapon against these alien destroyers of worlds. But between them and victory stands self-interest. The galaxy’s great powers would rather pursue their own agendas than stand together against this shared terror.

Human and inhuman interests wrestle to control Idris’ discovery, as the galaxy erupts into a mutually destructive and self-defeating war. The other great obstacle to striking against their alien threat is Idris himself. He knows that the Architects, despite their power, are merely tools of a higher intelligence.

Deep within unspace, where time moves differently, and reality isn’t quite what it seems, their masters are the true threat. Masters who are just becoming aware of humanity’s daring – and taking steps to exterminate this annoyance forever.

Firstly thank you to Random Things Book Tours, Tor and Adrian Tchaikovsky for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
Now I wanted to be on this tour for two reasons, one I wanted to try more Sci-fi having only just found a Sci-fi writer I've enjoyed the writing of I wanted to add to that and two because Adrian Tchaikovsky is one of my friend Piper's favourite authors and so I wanted to read something by him.
I didn't realise this was book three of a trilogy and because of the size of the books I didn't have time to read the other two before starting this one but actually that wasn't needed because the author does a brilliant section at the beginning of the book called "The Story so far" and it gave me exactly what I needed to know to read this without having read the others. I hit the ground running and immediately was drawn into the story, and he cleverly added in additional background information that told things that probably were mentioned in the other books but in a way that if you had read the others it wouldn't be too repetitive. I can tell that he also writes Fantasy books because his writing has that fantasy style to it, but not so much that you don't read this as sci-fi, it's definitely that but with a fantasy edge.Im loving the story so far and im liking getting to know the crew of The Vulture God, finding out about they all fit within the society/galaxy and just generally diving into this sci-fi read.
I will admit I'm still reading this one, it's a long book that I'm enjoying taking my time over plus I do keep stopping to tell my husband about it, though he's told me to stop that so he can read it himself! I definitely want to go back and read the other two in the series and probably the rest of his back catalogue because I am thoroughly enjoying every page of this.

Krystina xx

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