Wednesday 31 July 2024

A Couples Guide to Menopause by Kate and Neil Usher ~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Hero

Publication Date: 2nd August 2024
Genre: Self-Help

The menopause can challenge even the most stable, loving and supportive relationships: here’s how to make sure yours can survive – and thrive.

As a woman, are you:

  • In a relationship?
  • Know you are – or think you may be – menopausal?
  • Fearful of the possible impact of the menopause on your relationship – and don’t know what to do?
  • Expecting (or hoping) your partner will support you through the menopause?

As a man, are you:

  • In a relationship?
  • Know – or think your partner may be – menopausal?
  • Fearful of the possible impact of the menopause on your relationship – and don’t know what to do?
  • Wanting to know how you can support your partner manage her menopause?

Then this book is for you. And for you both.

Written by leading gender equity and menopause coach Kate Usher and her husband, Neil, a highly experienced workplace and change leader, this unique book looks at the menopause from a female and male perspective.

In a refreshing, candid, positive and accessible guide drawn from their personal experience in learning about and managing Kate’s traumatic menopause, it helps couples to successfully manage the experience together and emerge stronger.

Firstly thank you to Random Things Book Tours, Hero and Kate and Neil Usher for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
So I'm closer to menopause than I am away from it with 40 being a mere 3 years away and the average age a woman experiences menopause being 45. Most women will remember their mums going through menopause and complaining about hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings, but that's usually the most we know until it's us going through it, because let's face it we aren't taught about it at school (though as this book taught me it is now on the curriculum thankfully). And if we, the people who go through it, aren't taught about it, the men we marry are taught even less so when it happens they are just as sideswiped as we are. So it's really refreshing to not only have a book about menopause that gives lots of information that is not being sandwiched in at the end of a book on female health but also gives information for both men and women. I really enjoyed hearing Neils's voice throughout this and knowing that there was someone that my partner could listen to the experience of and maybe learn from when I do need his support going through the menopause.
It has been an eye-opening book in many ways and I have come away from it feeling so much more prepared for menopause when it does come rolling my way because Kate has smashed through all the preconceived notions that we learn about menopause and give us a twisted perception of what to expect.
I really enjoyed the way the book was set out, each of the chapters was broken down really well which means that you can just take a chapter at a time if you needed, especially if you are reading it with your partner, it gives you a good chunk of information to read and discuss together.
I'm definitely keeping this on my shelf reading for when I need to revisit it and the information inside and I'm defiantly recommending it to my friends at a similar stage in life, it's a book that has been needed I think and I'm so glad someone took the time to write it.

Krystina xx

Saturday 27 July 2024

We'll always have poison by BJ Magnani~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Encircle Publications

Publication Date: 17th July 2024
Genre: Medical Thriller

In this series finale, pathologist Dr. Lily Robinson races around the globe to hunt an assassin who, like her, finds poison the weapon of choice.

A world-renowned climatologist is found dead off the Great Barrier Reef of northern Australia weeks before he’s set to deliver his earth-shattering findings at the international Climate Council conference. Was it greed to maintain the status quo of fossil fuels—or revolutionary new science—that motivated his murder? Can Lily Robinson stop the killer before another climate scientist dies?

With operative and lover JP Marchand at her side, Lily uncovers a cunning plot that endangers world order, and changes the trajectory of her life—forever.

Firstly thank you to Partners in Crime Tours, Encircle Publications and BJ Magnani for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
So I was completely drawn in by this blurb, it gave me Bones vibes with the promise of a bones/booth-style relationship which I loved so I was ready to dive in. I think I found it difficult to connect with our MC Lily, She is quite clinical and the way she describes things reads as quite emotionless, even in situations where she is feeling very strong emotions. I don't know if that was a character choice by the author or if its just the writing style because I found the writing style to be quite clinical, the sex scene between JP and Lily is especially clinical to read, which makes it feel like their relationship is a transaction rather than two people in love.
I don't know if maybe reading the rest of the books in the series might have given me a better understanding of their dynamic or have seen it in a different way. But this was my first book in the series and I definitely believe it works as a stand-alone because you get all the information you require to kick off with the book but I think in this case this is a series that is just not for me. But I did love the Lily had a Poison Garden, as a keen gardener the whole idea of a poison garden fascinates me.
I'm short this wasn't a book for me and I'm unlikely to read the rest of the series but I would try a different series by this author to see if I like her style with a different set of characters.

Krystina xx

Thursday 18 July 2024

Sun Ascendant by C.F. Dunn ~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Resolute Books

Publication Date: 20th May 2024
Genre: Historical Fiction

In Wheel of Fortune, single-minded and determined Isobel Fenton was resolved that nothing would separate her from her beloved manor of Beaumancote; but as unseen witness to a summary execution, she was propelled into a world of personal feud and national politics as the houses of York and Lancaster threaten to tear the country apart.

In Sun Ascendant , now unwilling mistress of the formidable Earl, Isobel despairs of ever being free to follow her own heart. But events take a sinister turn, and as the Earl of Warwick and King Edward IV vie for power, Isobel must face her own battle for survival as the King, Richard of Gloucester, Robert Langton and the Earl must fight for theirs. Trapped and alone, Isobel is at the mercy of malign forces. What is the bitter Countess prepared to do to be rid of her rival, and - divided by love and loyalty - how will Isobel contend with the decaying relationship of the two brothers who seek her love?

Firstly thank you to Literally PR, Resolute Books and C.F.Dun for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
So again I have to start off by complimenting C.F Dunn on her research and obvious extensive knowledge of this period, you easily step into the Cousin's War period because she's made it quite an immersive experience reading this book. The way she includes small details that make a difference when reading a historical novel is brilliant and I truly enjoy her writing style. That said I'm still not sure I like our MC Isobel, I spent the first book gradually warming to her because I wasn't a fan when I started the book, and in that last scene of Wheel of Fortune I was rooting for her to use that dagger so when she didn't I kind of cooled off to her a little bit. She very much was at the mercy of the Earl, who I spent both books disliking right to the very end, which is accurate for the period a young heiress would be at the mercy and whims of someone like the Earl and her agency is none existent so when she seemingly took that step to free herself I was rooting for her. For her to not go through with it and then be stuck with a man convinced her loves her whilst not taking her wishes into account felt like a step further back from where she was. I do admire the strength she has though, the birth she went through was especially difficult and she came out the other side with more of a backbone I felt because she was now fighting for more than just herself and it feels like that's what she needed to be able to stand up to the Earl to some degree.
Now I didn't like the Earl at all but I really loved his brother, Robert, he has to be my favourite character in this series and I couldn't tell you why but I just really loved the character that C.F Dunn created. The only problem I have with the book is how it ended, it kind of felt like it was building up to a reconciliation that then didn't happen. I felt like we had this build up and it fell flat at the end so I'm really hoping there's a book three coming soon.

Krystina xx

Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Virtue Season by L.M Nathan ~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Scholastic

Publication Date: 4th July 2024
Genre: Dystopian fiction

The world didn't end all at once but drip by drip...

Manon Pawlak has just turned eighteen, a debutant at the start of the Virtue Season: a process that will result in a match with a suitable genetic mate. Her best friend, Agatha, has been decommissioned, forbidden to partake in the season and unite with the boy who has had her heart since they were children.

When Manon's mother wades out into the waters of Penn Vale with stones sewn into the lining of her coat, Manon's genetic purity is called into question and she's forced to rely on the fisherman's son, Wick, to keep her secret. But as they dance, the truth about their world starts to unravel, and Manon finds herself at the centre of it all. And the council is watching.

Firstly thank you to Random Things Book Tours, Scholastic and L.M Nathan for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
Gotta start off by saying that the cover of this is really pretty, it definitely set off my magpie tendencies and looks gorgeous on my shelf. And the blurb really drew me in, no that's a lie it wasn't the whole blurb I was hooked by that first line "The world didn't end all at once but drip by drip" It completely made me need to read this to find out how.
So I really loved the writing style of this, it kind of reads like it's a YA book even though I don't think it is, but that makes sense as the Main characters in it are all 18, and all the adults are really just supporting characters. You know me I love a dual POV book and I really enjoyed getting everything from two contrasting points of view, Manon who's going through everything as a Debutant and Agatha who's been decommissioned and gets a very limited view of proceedings. The only thing about this book is the ending doesn't feel finished, it feels like you've got to the end of a binge-worthy TV series with a massive cliffhanger leaving you eager for series 2. I feel like this is book one in a series and we've laid the groundwork for more from both Manon and Agatha as the fight to change things carries on, a fight which as we leave them in book one feels like an uphill struggle.
I definitely feel like it has strong elements of The Handmaid's Tale in a really good way. It's a dystopian fiction that I've really enjoyed I kept wanting to keep reading it and seeing what happened next, and if it is part of a series I will definitely be reading the rest to see where it takes us.

Krystina xx

Monday 8 July 2024

The Broken Pieces of Us by Celia Tandy~ Blog Tour

 Publisher: Independently published

Publication Date: 4th September 2023
Genre:Romantic Comedy

Matt can't get over his guilt at the death of his young wife. It's broken him, and he's determined to protect his heart from falling in love again. He promises himself he'll never have another serious relationship.

Rosie also knows the pain of losing someone she loves. But she's ready for a fresh start and her bubbly personality makes her the perfect choice to be the new nanny for Matt's son.

As they get to know each other, Matt gradually opens up about his past. But it isn't until Rosie does the same that Matt questions if he's made the right decision to give up on love.

Rosie wants to embrace life and her future, but is it too late for Matt to do the same?

And can they both finally find happiness and heal all their broken pieces?

Firstly thank you to Love Books Tours and Celia Tandy for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
So there were a lot of things I liked about this book, the blurb sounded so up my street it definitely is my kind of romance to read and I liked how Celia Tandy writes. She has a really easy-to-read writing style that made this a book that you can just sit and read in one sitting if you want to. The chapters are really short, sort of no more than 5 pages to a chapter which meant that the pace was really quick and you moved through the story relatively quickly. Whilst I enjoy a quick-paced book at times, I felt this was far too quick for me. I really struggled to connect with either main character because it was so speedy that I just didn't get to know them, and it meant that I wasn't as invested in their relationship as I felt I was meant to be. I finished the book and I liked that we had a happy ending but it didn't give me the feels I normally get from this kind of romance. Having said that I would happily read another book by Celia Tandy, I really liked how she wrote, especially the alternating chapters I would just have liked the pace to be a tad slower for me.

Krystina xx

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wheel of Fortune by C.F.Dunn~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Resolute Books

Publication Date: 24th April 2023
Genre:Historical Ficton

1469. England is in turmoil. For almost ten years, the attractive and charismatic Edward IV has ruled with the Earl of Warwick’s support, but now rebellion threatens the fragile peace.
Strong-willed and single-minded, heiress Isobel Fenton is determined that nothing will separate her from her beloved manor of Beaumancote even if she does have to marry to stay there. But as unseen witness to a summary execution, she is propelled into the world of personal feud and national politics, and her life will never be the same.
Left in the protection of the formidable Earl, Isobel soon discovers that she is much more than the daughter of his loyal retainer, but holds the key to the power base in a troubled region.

And she is about to marry Thomas Lacey – heir of the Earl’s enemy for whose peremptory execution he had been responsible.
The Earl of Warwick and the Duke of Clarence foment rebellion. With the Midlands in uproar, King Edward wants peace in the shires and the last thing he needs is potential trouble in the form of an unwed heiress.
Isolated and alone, Isobel turns to the Earl’s younger brother, Robert Langton - newly sworn to Richard, Duke of Gloucester - and as unrest boils into war, she is drawn into the very heart of the conflict.

Facing extremes of courage and moral ambiguity, Isobel has to predict the motivations of those who decide her own and England’s fate. Caught between two men and a lie, and with nothing left to lose, which way will she turn?

Firstly thank you to Literally PR, Resolute Books and C.F. Dunn for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
I was really looking forward to this book, it's set in one of my favourite historical time periods the Plantagenets/ Cousins war period in history but instead of being centred around the King and his family we are sort of looking ajecent to him. High enough up the social ladder to have the king's brother visiting but not so high that it all occurs at court. And I really liked that idea because so often when we have books set then it is all about court, almost to the point that you forget that they all had family seats to look after. I have to admit I got very excited to see how well-researched this book is, to the point of the author having had a medieval historian whose podcast I listen to read the book and endorse it. All of this made my history nerd self so very happy.
I did find this a very difficult book to get into though, at least for the first 100 pages, it's a very slow start to the book with a lot of scene settings and background giving, all of which are required for a book like this but it did make me have to come back to the book a few times. But once I hit the 100-page mark I did fly through the book, it's well-researched but also well-written so it's a very easy book to sit and devour. I wasn't a fan of Isobel in those first few pages, I didn't dislike her but I think I found her a little almost robotic maybe, she didn't have the fire I was expecting from the blurb until later in the book. I definitely warmed to her throughout the book and then further on as things happened to her I found that my emotions were coming into play and I completely wanted to just bundle her up and keep her safe. C.F Dunn has so brilliantly got across just how at the mercy of men women are in this age and how little control they have not only of their own lives but in some cases, their own bodies and those parts of the book are difficult to read because they've been written so well.
This book has left me at such a cliffhanger that I can't wait to start on book two of the series and see if Isobel manages to grasp any control back of her life and manor.

Krystina xx

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Under Your Spell by Laura Wood ~Blog Tour

 Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK

Publication Date: 20th June 2024
Genre: Romance
She only wants three things. He isn't one of them... 

Dumped by her cheating ex, fired from her dream job, about to lose her flat: Clementine Monroe is not having a good day. So when her sisters get her drunk and suggest reviving a childhood ritual called the breakup spell, she doesn’t see the harm in it.
But now Clemmie has accidentally ruined a funeral, had her first one-night stand, and she’s stuck with a new job she definitely doesn’t want - spending six weeks alone with the gorgeous and very-off-limits rock star, Theo Eliott. 
He’s the most famous man on the planet. Her life’s a disaster. When it comes to love, Clemmie is learning you should be careful what you wish for...

Firstly thank you to Random Things Book Tours, Simon & Schuster UK and Laura Wood for having me on this tour and sending me a copy of the book.
So I've been wanting to read this for months, I saw it on NetGalley and I couldn't get a copy so I've been eagerly awaiting its publication. And I've seen so much hype about it, which if I'm honest normally puts me off a book but it's been a lot of hype from people on Instagram that I know have a similar taste in books to me and don't give 5-star reviews willy-nilly.
I have to say this really has lived up to the hype, I devoured it in a few hours because I so did not want it to end but at the same time, I just didn't want to stop reading it because I wanted to find out how Clemmie and Theo found a way to make it all work. I really loved how their relationship developed, Theo was so sweet in the way that he just was there for Clemmie and gradually showed her how much he cared even if she didn't fully notice it! I did want to shake her at times when she just didn't clock how much he was putting himself out there for her, i was with her sisters when they were giving her exasperated looks. On the subject of her sisters, I adored their relationship it was just so fun and Clemmie was right when she called them her soulmates, they are just brilliant I can't think of a better way to describe them. The mums and the three sisters I think are an amazing group of female characters in this book, they make the men side characters for most of it I feel anytime they are in a scene they own it.
It is a brilliantly written book, and I definitely can't wait to see what she writes next, especially as she put in so many childhood favourites in film and music references that had me smiling from ear to ear (The 1999 cinematic masterpiece The Mummy for one) and I have a hope that we get to revisit Clemmie and Theo, maybe.

Krystina xx